Miller Cinemas App Confidentiality and User Agreement

“Miller Cinemas App Confidentiality and User Agreement” is a whole (hereinafter referred as the “Agreement”.) and sets forth the relation and conditions between Miller Cinemas App (hereinafter referred as “Miller Cinemas App”.) and users who use Miller Cinemas App’s applications on all platforms (ios, android, windows mobile) or visit the website at (hereinafter referred as the “Users”.) 


The Agreement enters into force when the User downloads Faros Swim application or visits web site. The User is responsible with keeping up with the updates and amendments to the Agreement by checking the publishing date. The updated Agreement will enter into force the moment it is published on this page. The Agreement will remain in force as long as it is not terminated as provided under this Agreement. 


A- Confidentiality Agreement

Miller Cinemas App requests some personal information (User name, age, gender, e-mail etc.) from its Users to provide a better service. This information stored in Miller Cinemas App Gülcan servers or cloud servers is used to develop Miller Cinemas App application and extracting various statistical information and analyses. 

The Users information is shared with Miller Cinemas App Gülcan User Enterprises in anonymous form (in a form which renders personal identification impossible) and Users’ e-mails are never used except for Miller Cinemas App Gülcan notifications and membership process. 

Miller Cinemas App Gülcan never shares the Users’ information it collects via membership forms with third parties unless it is in anonymous form, and never uses or sells this information for any commercial purpose unrelated to Miller Cinemas App’s actual purpose.

In addition to e-mail addresses and personal information requested in membership forms, Miller Cinemas App analyses and makes interpretations with the User actions and preferences during their use of the application and the website. Miller Cinemas App and its business partners use this statistical information which has no personal identification to provide a more special and active experience to Miller Cinemas App Users. 

The User’s information which is known to Miller Cinemas App before the User is registered to Miller Cinemas App, public knowledge information and other information which Miller Cinemas App acquires from other sources in legal ways cannot be deemed as User information and does not fall under the scope of confidential information.

Only the User can Access the information the User enters into the system and only the User can change this information. No other person can access to and change this information.

In case of a change in the Users actual personal information, the User is responsible with updating this information. Miller Cinemas App will not be liable for any flaw in service if the User does not update the personal information.

The Users’ credit card information which used for payment processes is not stored in Miller Cinemas App servers to provide the topmost security. Therefore, all payment processes goes through Miller Cinemas App interface but are actualized between banks and enterprises.

B- User Agreement

The User can use the services freely on all Miller Cinemas App platforms as long as it is legal to do so under Turkish Republic’s laws. 

Miller Cinemas App is not liable for the content unavailable for infrastructural reasons or unreachable and/or banned for legal reasons. 

The User bears the liability for the use and share of copyrighted material or free to share material. 

– Share of All Information

Miller Cinemas App undertakes not making any compromises in protecting all User information and will share the User information only if the public authorities lawfully requests such information and Miller Cinemas App is required to share such information under the mandatory regulations in force and only with the official authorities to the extent it is legally required to do so. 

– Termination of the Agreement

If the User leaves the platform, Miller Cinemas App permanently deletes the User information except for the anonymous information from its servers within 15 work days. After 15 work days, the anonymous information defined under the Agreement will belong to Miller Cinemas App and the Agreement will be terminated. 

If the User comes back to the platform within 15 work days, the Agreement will stay in force. 

Miller Cinemas App may always terminate the Agreement unilaterally and immediately. Miller Cinemas App may always stop providing service unilaterally and immediately. The User cannot request from Miller Cinemas App to keep providing service and/or claim damages for the discontinuity in the service.